Action And Effect

Every action you take has a cause and effect. The influence we wield is infinite.

All motive and action affects the cosmos in some way. The principle of cause and effect is the truth that allows us to change ourselves and the world around us for the better. However, this same universal law is also at work when change is not at the forefront of our minds. Our intentions flow forever outward in the form of energy, affecting both the people closest to us and billions of individuals we will likely never meet. For this reason, we should strive always to speak, think, and behave with great thoughtfulness and compassion. The virtues we choose to embody can inspire joy and integrity in the lives of countless people, whether we touch their existence directly or not.

The influence we wield is infinite.

Who are Selfish and Self serving?  Selfish and Self serving are most readily described as those who parade through their existence, reaping the assumptions of entitlement.  When they speak they often sound similar to something like this: "My happiness, my time, my money, my car, my house, my computer, my paycheck, me, me, me."  Have you ever heard that before?

...I am sorry, and who are you? The ones assuming to have "all" the answers do not typically bow to anyone, their knees are not used for kneeling and they are easily identified by their hypo-critic ego. They come from a place some refer to as Denial, and I'm not referring to a place in Africa. 
Sadly enough, we all know someone as such.  They are the ones that know it all, yet claim such a state of perfection as their unchanging, unwavering state of ignorance to in fact, not have all the answers. They presume to be greater than the God, or Spirit or Life Force that in fact gave them their breathe and existence. Agnosticism is their platform, where their comfort zones circular revolutions profess academic intelligence by the momentum used in arguing about the similarities or differences between belief and knowledge, rather than any specific claim or belief. Yet, with their one life to live they justify their talents and creativity as a means of expression, rather than unfashionable self indulgence. The compilation of their life's service to mankind, simply rendered in the obligation and assignment once given. Voluntarily they are not known for stepping out of their time and their needs to serve others without recourse of what praise they will receive.  Nor do they seek wanting to be exposed as the self serving energy that consumes, regardless of the ones in need around them. Another mask for this can be identified as "THE VICTIM". Everything happens TO them, never because of them :(  solutions are often minimized because the result they seek is the one they have resolved as the only way.

The state of mind that prevents one from making conscious choices unfortunately doesn't lessen their effect. Unable to differentiate this thought process is a debilitation in and of itself; and plagues our society. 
Unfortunate to mankind is this way of existence as their examples will be seen and passed on.

Let us be conscious of the fact that our present as well as our future is being fashioned by the decisions we make. If that is hard for you to process, I challenge you to step back and ask yourself what role you have played out in your life that got you where you are today. Right now! Look at your feet and see where you are standing, how you got there and why!!! It is in the least liberating to be conscious and aware even if it but for a moment.

One last thing to remember:

When you have to make a choice and don’t make it, that in itself is a choice.