-It's justaperture but I am definitely on that path of growth.

This week I have humbly remembered & had my mind consumed with the example of  MOTHERHOOD.

Mostly as my thoughts have been upon Katrina Lawrence 
(1/19/77- 5/6/13)
A loving mother, outstanding, and of whom, sacrificed her life bringing her son into the world this week; leaving the same day my father did yrs. ago. The impact her life has had on so many, all because she was a mother amongst all else. Those thoughts have prepared me with a better awareness of what this all means. This MOTHER'S Day as my heart is full, I am more aware of what it is I am a part of. These thoughts cause me to take inventory on this divine calling and the experience I myself have been a part of. This awareness will bring to me this:

-I will think of my mother who has passed away & all the values and virtues she instilled in me that I have passed on with love to my own children.

-I will be thinking of my son, who is gone for now. This will be the first Mother's Day I will spend without him since bringing me the title of Mother many years ago.

-I will remember the loving mother, Mary, who saw her son, atone for the sins of the world.

-I will remember that Heavenly Mother that longs for her children, who loves & mentors us from our heavenly home & shares her divine attribute with all her daughters.

-I will remember Marie Gillies, for stepping into those shoes, who always provides for me a loving shoulder to lean on, Thank You.

-I will remember the friends that are loving mothers whose examples and words of inspiration have not fallen on deaf ears.

-I will remember all the women, (so many) that are so dear to my heart. Here, yet far, and those that have passed on, who in my life have provided me love, support and guidance that has made me a better woman.

-I will remember the children I teach outside of my home, and offer love to each one of them, the same as if they were my own.

-I will remember my children as the precious spirits I am entreated with.

-I will continue to love, teach and be an example to each one of you. I will remember this day, what mother means and honor that by loving those around me, trying always to follow these examples and bring my own portion of honor to the blessed position I have been entrusted.

w/ ♥ to all of you amazing, strong, beautiful and totally equipped women.