As you stop to define DEFEAT, remember your terms. For no heartache or disappointment
can deny the simple fact that given the DETERMINATION and WILL to
continue, is yours, and none else. The fruits of this is in your attitudes, words, actions, heart, mind and
soul. Dormant at times, but always present & accessible.
For not even the greatest of all anguish can withdraw from you your passion, desire, conviction, wills,
the love, memories, understanding, and loyalty that lies within the spirit, mind and heart of
your soul.
Your mind must consciously surrender to something. No outside force can reach your inner switch.
Willfully we give-in, give-it-up, or give-up. But the greatest beauty that remains is that nothing can
truly be lost and ultimately surrendered, when there is still, H O P E. Even when the hope is as
small as particle of sand or as tangibly a mustard seed.