What is your Destination?

I received the following quote today, causing me to ponder a few things. Thank you Wayne!

"Why were the saints, saints? Because they were cheerful when it was difficult to be cheerful, patient when it was difficult to be patient, and because they pushed on when they wanted to stand still, and kept silent when they wanted to talk, and were agreeable when they wanted to be disagreeable. That was all. It was quite simple and always will be."

I know from experience, that whenever we humble ourselves in obedience and faith, to our Father in Heaven & our Savior (or one's divine source), we in fact walk a different road, it is in fact the very ROAD to SAINTHOOD.
 Some may say they need not be a saint, however the work of a "saint" is immeasurable and simple. It need not be that glorified perception of a super powered do gooder. 

When we cease at any given moment to walk this road, we undeniably detour on paths that withhold our progress. 

Unfortunately some of us get lost. Some of us may even wander the duration of our existence?
When this may seem acceptable because it is only "our life" as we know it, in reality, it is not. These consequences (to our choices) lie heavy on the most important people we may never know in the flesh. Our very posterity.

The truth of the matter is, we should all be looking for the sheep, that maybe only the shepherd knows has wandered. Sometimes being, ourself.

My son Jonathan has learned to love the need of another more than his own and has given himself to do nothing besides look and watch for such wanderers. He is an inspiration to me, he is using his map and moving towards his destination and inviting all to come with him.

The truth is, we are all wanderer's in our own way, for all, our experience and circumstance are diverse.
There are those who have no idea of THE ROAD, or others who may possibly have heard of this obscure path. 
Some desire to attain the peculiar peace and joy they witness emulated by strangers & other pilgrims; often wondering, is it really what it seems or is it all just an illusion. As others frustrate to realize it exists at all. 

There are many satisfied as well as distracted by the temporal world. A world that has met them with enough satisfaction and success, they think, why bother to expend what energies others seem to trifle with for something they have never tasted or know not that they go without. Even blind to the blessings they have obtained.

Some have the map, yet take no thought as to how or why it was given them, and they forsake it. In doing so, they forsake the needs of all others, and in a selfish kind of way, withhold what the map could do or mean to another. This allows them better to serve themself and their own needs or agendas.

There are many of whom, the only path known, even when diverse in landscape, is running them in circles. Or circumstances in life, has thrust them into an awareness of a void unimaginable to their previous comprehensions.

The reality is that there is an innate need within all of us, for we come from the sam, and the destination of mortality is the same. We will taste of death, whether it be a loss of a loved or in our own passing, and return to where we came from, before. Some may dispute this, understandably, but truly dispute we cannot, for it is on one hand to believe and another to disbelieve, that is all. Like the quote above, "...quite simple, and always will be."

Since I have been blessed with the knowledge of the restored gospel, I have been given a map. 
As one in possession of such a map I ask 2 simple questions:

Do we/I act as a traveler with a destination or give little effort and awareness to the journey that has been disclosed?

Do we/I surround ourselves with those going our way, to be selfishly comfortable, to pursue "my life",  "my way", letting those we could help go by the wayside to not be an interruption to our own agenda.

If we are engaged in our destination, our hearts and minds are changed. We begin to understand more, and receive all the Lord has for us, more importantly, as an individuals. The blessing you give is that of yourself, what wonderful things you have to offer, you help another complete a measure of their journey, and your children and your children's children will do the same. As each of us arrive we will have shared in the desire to not only help each other but see and be again with one another, arriving at that destination, the ROAD OF SAINTHOOD! 

Ether 12:6

  • Book of Mormon
And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.